Peter Checks in from Brazil

I noticed that there were some photos of me, Barrett Martin, and Nando Reis up on HQ and social media, so I guess I’m overdue in explaining what’s going on.

I first met Nando Reis in 2000 when Barrett and I played on one of his solo records, Para Quandoo Arco-Íris Encontrar o Pote de Ouro. Jump forward twenty two years when Barrett and I were invited to Brazil to do an anniversary tour and some recording. Over the space of eighteen months, we recorded a three record set of new originals with Barrett producing.

The record came out September 6th. It’s a record I’m really proud of and can be heard on most streaming platforms (link in bio). It’s called Uma Estrela Misteriosa.

Nando and his band, including Barrett and myself, are rehearsing for a three month tour of Brazil. I’m hoping I’ll see some of y’all down here and hoping we can make it to North America and Europe. There will be more news later, unless I do something stupid and get fired.

~ Peter