Peter Joins Fables Tribute Tour On Stage in Seattle & Portland (Lance Bangs Reports)

Our good friend Lance Bangs has been out on the road filming the Michael Shannon – @jasonnarducy + Friends Fables tribute tour. Lance took these photos in Portland and also shared some thoughts below:

“Michael Shannon and Jason Narducy’s tour performing Fables of the Reconstruction (and an additional 21 songs) recently concluded its West Coast dates and is heading East. In Seattle and Portland they were joined by Peter Buck, and Scott McCaughey turned up in Portland as well. The live band are tremendous at bringing these songs forward, Peter Buck recognized that they weren’t just covering the recorded versions, the band are keyed in to the faster tempoed live arrangements from the mid 1980s. I have been documenting the tour so far and look forward to continuing in Athens and onward.” – @lancebangs