Along with most Americans, we applaud and congratulate President Obama on his re-election to a second term in leading our nation. In that spirit we’ve rounded up some of the best election reflections, videos, links, and essays for those who care to read them:

*President Obama’s Full Victory Speech (video) at washingtonpost.com.

*An election recap from DailyKos.com

*Fordham University’s Most Accurate Polls report at politicalwire.com and a thoughtful article on polling and statistics at nymag.com

*Obama Thanks Staff (video) at politicalwire.com…

*President Obama’s final campaign speech before Tuesday’s election at talkingpointsmemo.com…

*A look at the National Exit Poll at washingtonpost.com…

*”Voting well” as “best revenge” at salon.com

*A giant leap for Gay Rights at prospect.org…

*How an anti-super pac pac, Friends of Democracy, made a difference at washingtonpost.com

*How the Latino Voter Turnout promises greater change at washington post.com

*Climate change action within reach at Huffingtonpost.com

*Moms Rising: the role of women in re-electing President Obama at The Telegraph.co.uk

“Citizen journalists” play a significant role in election via Video the Vote

*A look at where the President and Democrats need to go post-election at the nytimes.com.