32 Years Back: A Philly Reflection

I recall the exact moment when I realized that my favorite band, an underground sensation, had the potential to get very popular. It was August 20, 1983, and I was fortunate enough to be standing on the side of the stage at John F Kennedy Stadium in Philadelphia, as a

32 Years Ago Today… R.E.M. at Shea Stadium

It was 32 years ago today: R.E.M. played Shea Stadium. Memories that day: It rained. Peter was energetic, well above the stage much of the set, which was all of 15 minutes, tops. They wowed some people, the ones who’d braved the elements to be there huddled in front of

An Evening With Peter Buck: Aug 25 in LA

Peter will be Djing with Liz and Lance of Permanent Records on August 25 at Ace Hotel in LA. Bring your dancing shoes and get ready for a night filled with garage, soul, funk and beyond.

More information here

August 11, 1995: Third Time’s the Charm in Prague

August 11, 1995: It was twenty years ago today: the third time really was a charm. After postponements occasioned by Bill’s brain surgery in March and Mike’s gut surgery in July, R.E.M. FINALLY got to play their show in Prague (although Michael was not exactly feeling fine during the show);

A Look Back at Tel Aviv (1995)

It was twenty years ago today: R.E.M.’s only show ever in Israel. Security was tight. First time for that kind of stuff for us. Mike and Peter had been to Israel three years earlier for promo for Automatic. They’d visited the Dead Sea. We saw a Ben and Jerry’s on

Remembering Catania & Francesco Virlinzi

It was twenty years ago today: R.E.M. played its only show ever in Sicily. Our beloved friend, the late Francesco Virlinzi, was our host and a great ambassador for the city of Catania. He is remembered today, as every year, by a special anniversary cconcert celebration

organized by his

Postcard From the Northern Suburbs of New York–Up Near Bill & Hil

I think last Thursday night was the seventh time I’ve seen the entire R.E.M. By MTV, Alexander Young’s terrific documentary about the three-decade path of R.E.M. on MTV. I once again enjoyed it and noticed how well he chose songs to help tell the story throughout the film. “Monty Got

Sound of the City: 1988 Mills/Buck Guest DJ Audio Resurfaces

Recently, while digging around in the R.E.M. archives looking for lost treasures, a real gem presented itself in the form of a 1988 recording of Peter and Mike’s appearance on “Sound of the City,” a local music themed program on WUOG, the radio station on the campus of the University

Mike Gets His Own Baseball Card!

As a kid, I played two happy years of Little League, and dreamed of growing up to be a baseball player. While my life has turned out just fine, I never lost that love of baseball (notice the band I’m in, the Baseball Project). Now, thanks to the folks at

ATHFEST Recap, Highlights, & Photos

Chris Sikich of the Philadelphia citypaper recaps some of the highlights of this year’s AthFest Music & Arts Festival including Bill Berry’s return to the stage (with We Love Tractor) and The Baseball Project’s tour finale in the Classic City… read here

Photo galleries from the show:

*The Baseball Project: